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Increased revenues by 50%
In a historically weak new housing market, Rubus Tech increased its revenues by 50 percent last year.

Estate Nyheter has written an article about Rubus and our successful year in 2023 - see the article 👉 here.

The proptech company Rubus Tech (formerly Bygr) has developed a platform that supports housing developers and contractors with customization options and aftermarket management. The company counts Nordr, Nåbo, OBOS, Backe, and Peab Eiendomsutvikling among its clients. Despite a challenging year in the new housing market, Rubus achieved strong growth. Revenue increased from 8.2 million NOK in 2022 to 12 million NOK in 2023. Approximately 75 percent of new sales last year came from new clients, and Rubus Tech also launched several new solutions throughout the year.

However, 2023 ended with a budgeted deficit. "We invested significantly in technology throughout 2023 and will continue to do so in 2024. We raised capital before the summer of 2023, and we are well-equipped with strong and long-term owners behind us," says Guy Montuelle.

Rubus's owners include Kistefos, Construct Ventures (OBOS and AF), Borgenhaug, and AF Gruppen. One reason for Rubus Tech's growth is that housing developers need to become more efficient in tougher times. "Many in our industry have downsized, affecting productivity. Therefore, they need good systems to follow up with customers," Montuelle explains. He adds that although the initiation of new housing projects has significantly decreased, there are still many handovers from sales made one or two years ago. "This is where we come in," says Montuelle.

The goal for 2024 is clear. "We aim to capture market share in Norway and expand in Sweden. Nordr has taken our solutions to Sweden, and we have made some individual sales there as well. Now we will focus on Sweden and the segments of the Norwegian market where we do not yet have a presence," says Montuelle.