Attivo Chooses Rubus for Digitalization of Customer Journey

After testing Rubus on a project with 229 new apartments in Malerhaugveien 25 in Ensjø, Attivo is now committed to a long-term partnership with Rubus to fully digitize the customer journey.

January 30, 2025
September 23, 2024

The collaboration we have had with Rubus on this project has given us a much closer dialogue with our customers and at the same time a better overview of options in the project with all information gathered in one place," says Tove Cathrine Spetalen, Marketing and Innovation Manager at Attivo.

She explains that Attivo has long had a desire to implement more digital solutions in their customer journeys.

"We have had a very good effect of digitalizing options when purchasing, now we are also implementing Rubus' module for after-sales. This allows home buyers to report and follow up on any issues after moving in, and everything happens on the same portal. This is simple and time-saving for us as a property developer, our contractors, and especially home buyers."

Home buying process from the sofa Since its inception in 2019, Rubus has experienced enormous growth and landed agreements with large and small general contractors and property developers. Among these are AF Gruppen, Consto, Peab, BOB, and Axer. In mid-2022, Rubus also entered Sweden and has several live projects, including with Aros Bostad, Tornstaden, and Österling Bygg.

Charlotte Eng, Customer Success Manager at Rubus, says they are looking forward to further collaboration with Attivo. "This is great for us! The fact that Attivo wants to continue the collaboration with Rubus shows enormous trust in us and our solutions. It's fun to work with Attivo, which is a forward-thinking and skilled property developer."

She herself experiences that digital customer journeys entail many advantages in a home buying process. "It is a great value for the home buyer to be able to look at options and make decisions about their future home from the sofa. In addition, the home buyer will have access to all their documentation on their new home digitally, and it is much easier to report any warranty issues," says Charlotte. When all parties involved work on the same platform, communication is much easier, and you avoid having to deal with SMS, emails, and phone calls.

Saved time With only 1 apartment left out of a total of 229 apartments, Malerhaugveien 25 can soon call itself a sold-out project. According to Finn Ove Hylen, CEO of Strukta AS, he has experienced the collaboration with Rubus and Attivo very positively for them as a general contractor on the project.

"Options and changes are things that are usually time-consuming in such a process, so it is clear that it becomes easier when customers can simply go into a portal and click on what they want," he says, adding:

"It is difficult to say exactly how much time we have saved, but that Rubus' portal has made us more efficient, there is no doubt about that."

Charlotte Eng, Customer Success Manager at Rubus, says they are now also looking forward to further collaboration with Attivo.

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