Strict requirements are set by regulators and consumer authorities. Fjordkraft and Rubus have together developed a solution that is always up-to-date with current regulations, ensuring that homebuyers' rights are always protected. Fjordkraft is one of Norway's leading electricity providers, offering services to both the residential and business markets nationwide. We are already in talks with other power companies to expand the options available on the platform. Fjordkraft and Rubus have collaborated to simplify the transfer of electricity contracts during home purchases, thereby removing a friction point for both homebuyers and property sellers. "The new solution allows customers to choose an electricity agreement with Fjordkraft directly through Rubus' handover protocol when the property is transferred. This ensures a simple and secure process for all involved parties, where the systems of Rubus and Fjordkraft handle the practicalities of the contract agreement."
Legally, an electricity contract must be transferred from the housing project to the homebuyer at the time of handover. Today, this can be a cumbersome process, requiring homebuyers to select an electricity provider and place an order themselves. With the new solution, homebuyers can choose an electricity provider directly through a digital handover protocol. This approach will streamline the ownership transfer process and reduce the follow-up and administrative work for property developers after handover.
"We at Rubus are continuously working to improve the customer journey for homebuyers and aim to remove as much friction as possible," says Guy Montuelle, CEO & Co-founder of Rubus. "We know that transferring electricity contracts is a time-consuming process for property developers and contractors, so this is a win-win situation for everyone. Fjordkraft has been a forward-thinking partner with modern systems that have made it possible to automate much of this process while ensuring that homebuyers' rights are protected," Montuelle continues.
The solution will be available to all Rubus customers on the platform, and property developers and contractors can choose whether to activate this feature. Rubus is already in discussions with other power companies to expand the options available on the platform. "It's important to us that homebuyers have choices. This creates healthy competition in the market," Montuelle says.
"Rubus has had impressive growth in recent years and is present in many new housing projects. That's why we reached out to explore a potential partnership," says Adrian Helgesen from Fjordkraft. "We want to make it as easy as possible to become a Fjordkraft customer, and this solution helps new power customers get started quickly and efficiently. Rubus has a modern and intuitive platform that made it easy to integrate our systems. With this solution, we remove friction for homebuyers, property developers, and ourselves, while increasing the number of satisfied customers. This truly is a win-win situation for everyone."
"As an industry leader, it is important for Fjordkraft to follow the guidelines that are in place for actors in the industry. Today, strict requirements are set by regulators and consumer authorities. Together with Rubus, we have built a solution that is always updated to comply with current regulations, ensuring that homebuyers' rights are always protected," says Helgesen from Fjordkraft.
About Fjordkraft
Fjordkraft is one of Norway's leading electricity providers, offering services to both residential and business markets. The company not only provides electricity but also energy-related products and solutions that contribute to energy efficiency and sustainable consumption. Fjordkraft has a strong presence throughout the country and is known for its focus on customer service and innovative solutions for the green transition. With its headquarters in Bergen and a broad distribution network, Fjordkraft is an important player in the Norwegian energy sector.