Total-Bygg chooses Rubus

"We found Rubus to be the system with the best layout and user interface, and the system that best met our needs."

January 30, 2025
May 29, 2024

About Total-Bygg:

For 65 years, we have built quality homes for neighbors and residents in Sunnmøre. In the last 20 years, Total-Bygg has also developed and built larger residential areas independently, and these projects have influenced the development of towns and cities, including Ulstein and Hareid municipalities. Since our inception, we have built over 350 new detached houses, says Thor-Ove R. Nedrelid, CEO, Total-Bygg Hjørungavåg AS.

What prompted you to consider a solution for customization management?

The home purchase process should be a positive and clear process where the customer always knows the final journey for the house. At the same time, we want to distinguish ourselves from the traditional developer who has a narrow and unexciting standard range and charges a very high price for simple additions. Offering a wide range of choices, great freedom, and competitive prices is not easy; changes require more work, and place high demands on both the exhibition and administration of the choices. We needed a good system to manage the choices that both reduce the administration cost for us and add value to customers in terms of choices, overview, and very competitive prices.

"Rubus cuts a lot of the work related to customer follow-up, and the remaining work is handled at the start of the construction project."

Why did you choose Rubus?

Rubus was one of several customization solutions we tried, and was the system that best met our needs; Rubus allows us to build our own project-specific product catalog and product groups, and to put together a standard for each of the projects. Selection and customization prices are predefined, and customers can easily pick their desired products digitally. Rubus cuts a lot of the work related to customer follow-up, and the remaining work is handled at the start of the construction project. The system also has features for messaging with the customer and project team, change notifications, external agreements, milestones, and more. The customer is given a defined deadline to choose the customization options and is notified when it approaches. When the deadline is up (or customization is sent), an order is created that we order based on - it can hardly get any easier. We found Rubus to be the system with the best layout and user interface, and the system that best met our needs.

You build detached houses, is there anything in Rubus that stands out in that type of management?

We have previously had a large number of customer choices and diffuse deadlines that are not met. Rubus helps us to predefine choices (and prices) so that we save work during the construction process. When the deadline is reached, the customization options are locked. The system ultimately helps us to achieve a good construction process!

Has Rubus met your expectations so far?

Simple answer: Yes! We are very satisfied :)

What is the best thing about Rubus?

It forces the customization process into a predefined and clear format, with fixed deadlines. It provides full overview, is perceived as very positive by the customer, and significantly reduces ongoing administrative time!

What can be improved in Rubus?

Customized areas for external contractors. In general, it is a very good system that we warmly recommend!

Rubus is incredibly happy for the trust we have received from Total-Bygg and looks forward to a continued great cooperation!"

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